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Ristmik autovaruosad
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  • 13.28500Z SHINY SPOT OFF 500ml

    5,42 €

    Spot Off is a liquid removes traces of hard water, also from surfaces protected with a ceramic/quartz coating, without disturbing its structure. Thanks to inhibitors, it prevents the re-formation of hard water deposits.

    high effectiveness
    safe for various types of surfaces
    does not affect the structure of ceramic and quartz coatings
    pH: 3


    How to use:

    Make sure the surface is cool
    Do not apply in direct sunlight
    Shake before use.
    Spray the item with an atomizer.
    Work on the surface with an applicator or microfiber until all traces are removed.
    Repeat the steps if necessary.


    Delivery to the store in 1-2 days

    Available: more than 5

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